Woman with hearing loss enjoying an exercise class outdoors.

Hearing Loss Treatment in Midtown Manhattan

When people think of hearing loss, they often believe it only affects seniors. But did you know that approximately 26 million Americans between the ages of 20 and 69 suffer from some form of Noise-Induced Hearing Loss? That number doesn’t even include those under 69 who suffer hearing loss due to other factors, some of which are listed below.

At Manhattan Audio South, our audiologists in Midtown Manhattan understand the profound impact hearing loss can have on your quality of life. Our dedicated team is committed to working with you to uncover the causes of your hearing loss and find the best treatment solutions, so you can return to enjoying what you love most. From comprehensive hearing tests to the latest hearing aid technology, we recognize that hearing well is crucial to your overall health and well-being. Call our audiology clinic at (917) 243-9088 to schedule an appointment.

48 million Americans of all ages experience hearing loss, including one in six baby boomers.

Woman with hearing loss in yoga class.

Hearing Loss Affects Your Health

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Common Types of Hearing Loss

There are three main types of hearing loss, and depending on what type you’re experiencing the treatment will be different.

Sensorineural Hearing Loss

Some hearing loss is caused by damage to the tiny hairs in the cochlea. Whether caused by aging, disease or exposure to loud noises this type of hearing loss is often permanent and requires treatment with hearing aids or other hearing technology.

Conductive Hearing Loss

A common cause of hearing loss is when sounds are blocked from traveling through the ear canal correctly. This can happen when foreign objects or earwax is blocking the canal or if fluid builds up behind the eardrum. Other common causes are ear infections, a tear in the eardrum, or cysts. While some conductive hearing loss is caused by disease or permanent damage, many types of conductive hearing loss are temporary.

Mixed Hearing Loss

Mixed hearing loss is a combination of sensorineural and conductive hearing loss.

Will My Hearing Come Back?

Sudden hearing loss is often a side effect of living life full throttle. Attending loud concerts, nail-biting football games, or simply pumping it up at spin class can cause hearing loss if the noise gets above 85 decibels. To put that into perspective, driving 50 MPH with your windows down yields an average of 89 decibels, so it doesn’t take much to endanger your hearing.

Research shows that getting treatment immediately after being exposed to a loud noise can dramatically improve the odds of preventing permanent damage. This is because your ears respond to loud noises by sending more white blood cells to your ears. Inflammation, over time, will damage the tiny hairs that detect sound. Seeing an audiologist immediately after being exposed to loud noises is crucial.

Unfortunately, the average person waits 7 years to investigate their hearing loss. Whether they’re in denial or just don’t want to deal with it, waiting to address hearing loss can be devastating.

The Effects Of Hearing Loss

Some people become so self-conscious or frustrated about their hearing loss that they stop doing the things they love, like playing sports or going to the symphony or even to family gatherings.

You can just live with hearing loss, put up with it and be stoic about it, but by doing that, you are hurting not only yourself but your family and friends. When you can’t participate in a conversation, it frustrates you and your loved ones.

Life is short. It’s time to turn up the volume and enjoy all the benefits of better hearing.

The more you hear, the more you stimulate and exercise your brain. The sooner you do something about your hearing, the sooner you’ll regain your confidence.  

How can you help yourself and your loved ones live better?

Get a hearing evaluation to determine whether you have hearing loss and how extensive it may be. When you do, we can determine what your best option is and help you select a hearing aid that will:

  • Work best for your level of hearing loss
  • Complement your lifestyle
  • Fit within your budget
Two middle age couples enjoying a laugh.

Do You or a Loved One Have Hearing Loss?

Take Our Online Hearing Quiz!

Take Hearing Quiz
{ “@context”: “http://schema.org”, “@type”: “MedicalCondition”, “name”: “Hearing Loss”, “description”: “Hearing loss is a partial or total inability to hear. It can occur in one or both ears and can be temporary or permanent. Hearing loss can be caused by a variety of factors including age, noise exposure, infections, and genetic conditions.”, “associatedAnatomy”: { “@type”: “AnatomicalStructure”, “name”: “Ear” }, “riskFactor”: [ { “@type”: “MedicalRiskFactor”, “name”: “Age (presbycusis)” }, { “@type”: “MedicalRiskFactor”, “name”: “Exposure to loud noise” }, { “@type”: “MedicalRiskFactor”, “name”: “Genetics” }, { “@type”: “MedicalRiskFactor”, “name”: “Ototoxic medications” }, { “@type”: “MedicalRiskFactor”, “name”: “Infections (such as otitis media)” }, { “@type”: “MedicalRiskFactor”, “name”: “Chronic diseases (such as diabetes)” } ], “signOrSymptom”: [ { “@type”: “MedicalSymptom”, “name”: “Difficulty understanding speech” }, { “@type”: “MedicalSymptom”, “name”: “Muffled hearing” }, { “@type”: “MedicalSymptom”, “name”: “Asking others to speak more slowly, clearly, and loudly” }, { “@type”: “MedicalSymptom”, “name”: “Turning up the volume of the television or radio” }, { “@type”: “MedicalSymptom”, “name”: “Withdrawal from conversations” }, { “@type”: “MedicalSymptom”, “name”: “Avoidance of social settings” } ], “possibleTreatment”: [ { “@type”: “MedicalTherapy”, “name”: “Hearing aids” }, { “@type”: “MedicalTherapy”, “name”: “Cochlear implants” }, { “@type”: “MedicalTherapy”, “name”: “Bone-anchored hearing systems” }, { “@type”: “MedicalTherapy”, “name”: “Assistive listening devices” }, { “@type”: “MedicalTherapy”, “name”: “Medications (for infections or underlying conditions)” }, { “@type”: “MedicalTherapy”, “name”: “Surgery (for structural problems)” } ] }

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