Hearing Health Blog

Can I Wear my Glasses And Hearing Aids Together?

Can I Wear my Glasses And Hearing Aids Together?

Movies and TV shows tend to use close-ups (often extreme close-ups) when the action starts getting really intense. That’s because the human face conveys lots of information (more information than you’re probably consciously aware of). It’s no stretch to say that humans are extremely facially focused. So having all of your main human sensors, nose, […]

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How Soon do Hearing Aids Need to be Replaced?

How Soon do Hearing Aids Need to be Replaced?

It’s hard to be separated from your hearing aid after you get used to having one. Your hearing aids are, after all, your connection to the world around you. But it will occasionally have to be upgraded or swapped out just like all technology. The typical lifespan of a hearing aid From 3 to 7 […]

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Your Hearing is Failing if You Observe Any of These 8 Discrete Indicators

Your hearing won’t be simply gone one day when you wake up. Hearing loss, particularly when it’s associated with aging, usually advances in degrees. You might not detect it’s happening right away but some indicators do appear earlier. The initial symptoms of progressive hearing loss are subtle. Delaying the progression of hearing loss and its […]

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Concussions & Tinnitus: What’s the Link?

Concussions & Tinnitus: What’s the Link?

You Know when you’re viewing an action movie and the hero has a loud explosion close by and their ears begin to ring? Well, guess what: that most likely means our hero sustained at least a minor traumatic brain injury! To be certain, brain injuries aren’t the bit that most action movies linger on. But […]

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3 Easy Ways to Keep Your Hearing Crisp

3 Easy Ways to Keep Your Hearing Crisp

Isn’t pizza cool? You can switch up the toppings, sauces, even the cheeses involved, but as long as it meets a few basic criteria, it’s still a pizza. That’s similar to hearing loss. Symptoms and presentations are due to many different problems – loud noises, genetic factors, age, ear blockages – but as long as […]

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Summertime is A Great Time to Think About Hearing Aids!

Have you ever slept with your bedroom window open and awoke to the lovely sound of birds singing just as the sun comes up? Most people probably aren’t even aware that the name for those bird-songs is the “dawn chorus”. Birds see the sunrise and, for some reason, decide it’s time to sing out their […]

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Getting The Most Out of Your Hearing Aids

Getting The Most Out of Your Hearing Aids

If you aren’t really rich, a car isn’t really an impulse buy. Which means you will probably do a great deal of research ahead of time. You take a good look at things like gas mileage, overall price, and customer reviews. (You’re on Google a lot.) It makes sense to do this amount of research. […]

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Diplacusis: When You Hear Things in Stereo

Diplacusis: When You Hear Things in Stereo

Millions of years ago, the world was much different. This steamy, volcano-laden landscape is where the long-necked Diplacusis roamed. Thanks to its extra long neck and tail, Diplacusis was so big that it feared no predator. Actually, the long-necked dinosaur from the Jurassic Period is called Diplodocus. When you’re hearing two sounds simultaneously, that’s a […]

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She’s Not Faking It: 4 Indications a Loved One Should Get a Hearing Aid

Denial is a typical first reaction. My loved one must be just making it seem like their hearing loss is worse than it really is. She’s not old enough to need a hearing aid. Maybe, it’s become a joke between the two of you. Your loved one constantly asks you to speak up. It’s only […]

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